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Want to Contact a Moxa Expert?

Join us as we explore the complexities of industrial environments, where selecting the appropriate computers poses unique challenges. In this session, we'll guide you through the process of selecting the right computer for your automatic or autonomous industrial use case. We will cover everything from hardware selection to understanding the regulatory and environmental requirements. Our exploration will include important factors such as scalability, reliability, serviceability, and product availability. By the end of this webinar, you will have valuable insights on how to mitigate downtime, prevent failures, and achieve peace of mind in your industrial operations. ​

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding the criteria for selecting hardware and navigating regulatory and environmental requirements.
  • Exploring critical elements like scalability, reliability, serviceability, and product availability in IPC selection.​
  • Learning strategies to reduce downtime and prevent failures, ensuring smoother industrial operations.

Webinar Recording

The Speakers

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Shahid Javed

Product Marketing Manager

Moxa Americas Inc.

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Travis Cox

Chief Technology Evangelist

Inductive Automation
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Mo Moore

Manager of Software Service and IoT

Industrial Networking Solutions (INS)