Nulla facilisi. In vel mauris risus.
Praesent non velit ut libero condimentum pulvinar sed vitae tellus.
Vestibulum id tristique elit. Suspendisse posuere rutrum sodales. Nam id elit ac sem iaculis lacinia posuere vitae metus.
It wasn’t long ago when factories were without industrial wireless. The reason for the slow adoption can be attributed to many reasons. Simply put, operations teams worked under the motto of “if it isn’t broke, why fix it?” In fact, many OT engineers did their best to completely avoid the discussion until it got to a point where they didn’t have a choice. Over time, they realized it just wasn’t scalable or cost efficient to meet the evolving needs that their business started to require. The shift for factories to become “smarter” has become a necessity through things such as data gathering, analytics, network capacity and security. All designed to not just keep the factory floor operational, but to make sure it’s operating at a highly efficient and intelligent level.
Why Deploy Wireless into an Industrial Application?
Challenges Facing Industrial Wireless